Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Graduate

Sterling graduated in economics and a minor in math. Woohoo!

Way to go Sterling!

My brother Chris graduated too, in biology.

My friend Maranda and her husband Andy both graduated with their Masters. Amazing!

Sterling decided he could never have long hair after he had to deal with the tassle for graduation, what a relief.

Lastly, one random picture of us making marshmallow eggs, which we dipped in chocolate and rolled in toasted coconut. Possibly my favorite treat ever!


  1. WOOHOO!!! Wish we could have been there:( and also been there for those yummy eggs too! I like Rachel's face expression in the last picture...probably looking at pictures of herself on the camera lol Miss you both!

  2. Yay! It's so nice to reach the end of a long road. We need a close-up of the eggs.

  3. It was so fun to see you guys even for just a minute! I miss you. You guys better be up there for the fourth! So seriously though, I can't handle your craftiness. Your little cake bites and headboard on the other post are so freaking cute. I just can't compete with that.

  4. P.s. I changed our blog url to and updated it for like the first time in two years:) I might have to send you an invite?? I don't really know how it works, if you try it and can't get in let me know.
