Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Home on the Range

My mom got the boys some really cute cowboy outfits for their birthdays. They were always very excited to go check on the cows!

Of course we all got used to putting on lots of bug spray. Weston was very sure to get a good coat after he got a thousand chigger bites during the first couple days.

The herd was very excited about the prospect of cow cakes.

Weston and Rhett were so cute in their cowboy hats.

And so was my dad!

My mom got some baby chicks while we were there. They were so fluffy and cute. They hatched right before we took them home.

Rhett didn't have a nap this day. He fell asleep watching our evening round of Phineas and Ferb.

We caught a lot of fireflies. We tried to take a picture of them, if you look close you can see some small dots of light. Weston never got tired of catching them.

My mom and sister were happy just watching.

It looks like we have a 5 year old kid. haha.

Rhett had a lot of cute faces, so we had to take pictures of them. He really liked to squish Sterling's face like in the one below. Unfortunately, now Sterling keeps doing it to me.

We went to Wilson's Creek Battlefield. Its a national park in Springfield from a Civil War battle site. Sterling had wanted to go for a long time because he's been reading lots of Civil War books. We went in the middle of day though, so it was a little hot. We did go on a mile hike there and saw a snake, Sterling and Weston were both pretty scared, luckily I was there to keep them safe.

My voice went out on two separate occasions from reading books to the boys, I could never last until they fell asleep. It was so fun to play with them for two whole weeks. We did a lot of swimming in the pool, shooting bows and arrows, exploring the creek, and eating swiss miss bars. Sadly we are back in Kentucky now. I'm enjoying my job working on a Med/Surg floor though, and Sterling is doing an internship with the Health Department. We are already planning our next vacation, hoping to check out Mammoth Cave soon!

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