Monday, November 1, 2010

Carving Pumpkins!

First we carved pumpkins with Maranda and Andy last week. They made Jack Skeleton, from A Nightmare Before Christmas. It turned out amazing, of course! We had a lot of fun.

Sterling and I did Y mountain. We were supposed to have scared faces for this picture. Maranda's makes sense but mine turned out to be confused, probably because there's an eye above our mountains (Its supposed to be a moon).

The next night we went over to Kara and Steve's place for a little more pumpkin carving.

This is Steve's masterpiece. So cute!

Kyle made what I would call a classic Doug drawing. I love it.

Kirstyn did the little smiley face pumpkin all by herself, I was quite impressed by her skills. Then she got Sterling and Steve to do her Hello Kitty pumpkin, also very cute!

Sterling and I carved an owl sitting on a tree branch, I don't think pumpkin carving is our forte.

Kara has some wicked carving skills though, she did the Hawaiian flowers and then later added a sea turtle. I was very impressed with her design.

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