Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fall Harvest

Sterling and I went up Provo Canyon last week to see the fall trees. It was really pretty and perfect weather for a walk on the trail. We're officially going to Bowling Green in January for Sterling's grad school, so we're trying to get in all the time possible enjoying the mountains! Sterling will be getting his Masters of Public Administration at Western Kentucky University. We're sad to be leaving family here in Utah, but excited to go experience something new!

We also harvested the rest of our garden this week, as its starting to finally get cold here at night. We've had tons of tomatoes and squash. Thankfully, we got a dehydrator from Sterling's Grandma and Grandpa Weed, so we have been drying lots of our vegetables. The dried tomatoes are amazing in pasta! We also had some onions, carrots, bell peppers, and a cantaloupe. We haven't tasted the cantaloupe yet, hopefully it will be as good as my mom's!

We thought this tomato looked just like the character from Despicable Me (a really cute and hilarious animated movie that came out this summer, we recommend it highly).


  1. Oh my gosh that is so funny it really does look like that character! We are so jealous of the fall trees you guys have doesn't even look like fall here and probably will look the same in winter too! Make sure to rake the leaves and jump in them for me:)

  2. Wow, you have a harvest of great vegetables. I've never had dried tomatoes. I'm excited for you to go to Kentucky. I know people who've gone there and they love it. What an adventure.
