Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Shootout

Uncle Allen came into town this past week and we decided to have some fun and go shooting. We usually do have fun every weekend, but this one involved more relatives and gunpowder than we are used to. The shooting took place out in the desert, not exactly sure where so thats as specific as I can be. We went and bought soda cans and pumpkins as our targets to shoot at. The pumpkins were purchased in order to celebrate Halloween appropriately, and who doesn't want to shoot a pumpkin?
This shooting excursion was Rachel's first time ever shooting a gun. She did pretty well. She used a technique were she would purposely miss every shot that she took except for the last shot in the was somewhat unorthodox but it seemed to work fine for her.
Alee is a pro at shooting. Toward the end of the day we put some of the soda cans on top of the pumpkins and tried to shoot them off. Alee shot one of the soda cans off the pumpkin and it flew a couple feet into the air spraying soda everywhere....what a showoff....
I am pretty sure that Sterling had an even cooler shot than the one Alee had...I just can't remember what it is at the moment.
These are the pumpkins that had the unfortunate opportunity to spend Halloween with us.

This is the backside of one of the pumpkins we were shooting at. This is also the correct way to carve a Jack-O-Lantern on Halloween.

We drew some faces on the pumpkins that we shot. This is the before picture of a pumpkin that Alee drew.
and this is the after picture...

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