Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Fun

In case you were wondering, let me tell you how the Weed household celebrated Thanksgiving. Alee's parents came and spent the week with us, which was useful because we did not know how to cook a turkey. We were also able to go on some entertaining excursions in Kentucky with her parents. The first excursion happened while the turkey was cooking (and between football games). There is a cave just down the street from where we live called the Lost River Cave and we took her parents there. On a side note: many companies in the area are named after the Lost River and we like to remove the River part of their name as a joke. For example, Lost River Child Day Care becomes Lost Child Day Care.

This is called a Blue Hole. When we first went there in the Spring, it was brown and apparently it is only blue when it has not rained in awhile. The hole is part of a cave river that is briefly exposed above ground.

Alee and her parents.

Bowling Green is also home to the Corvette factory and the Corvette museum. We went and looked at the museum the day after Thanksgiving. It was pretty neat. They pretty much have every type of Corvette that has ever been made. This picture is of a 1970-something Corvette, and it is blue.

We also took Alee's parents to Mammoth Cave. Below are some pictures that we took inside the cave. They are not the best pictures, because...well it was a cave.

Near Bowling Green there is also an old Shaker village that they have turned into a museum. Below are some pictures from that excursion.

Alee's dad really liked to read all the historical markers that we encountered on our trip.


  1. haha I liked the "and it is blue" line about the Corvette...for some reason that was so funny to me! Anyways, looks like a fun Thanksgiving! We missed you guys in Utah!

  2. WOw, the Corvette factory. I guess the shine on the blue Corvette was polished by all the loving fingers that had to touch it. Mammoth Cave looks, well, mammoth.
