Thursday, March 31, 2011

What I do on my days off...

Here are some of my latest craft projects that I've been working on.

I made this headboard when we were in Missouri a few weeks ago. Sterling and I cut boards and then covered them with foam, batting, and lastly an old quilt of my grandma's.

Here it is above our bed with some throw pillows I made out of an old tablecloth of my grandma's.

This week I wanted to make something sweet and so Sterling helped me make this cakepops. The idea is from the blog, which has lots of really cute ideas.

They looked really good on the cake stand Caitlin and Reece got me for my birthday, thanks guys! It's such a perfect little stand, so cute!

I also tried to make some cupcake ones, they kind of turned out like big blobs, but I guess you get the idea.

We definitely enjoyed eating them, they are so good!

Lastly, I made this quilt out of Sterling's superhero t-shirts. He has so many of them, so we thought this would be a fun way to preserve them. I still need to put some sort of backing on it to finish it.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

This is what we have been doing

Apparently Western Kentucky really likes their Winter breaks, and they do not start their Spring semester until the end of January. This left us plenty of time to go and find an apartment in Bowling Green, and to do a little playing in Missouri.

On our way to Kentucky to find an apartment, we stopped by a spring and had some fun.

This is our first time going into Kentucky. To get to Kentucky from Missouri we had to cross the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.

Alee hanging out with Abraham Lincoln on WKU's campus. We are not really sure why there is a statue of Lincoln on campus, but there is and so we took a picture of it/him.

Me, next to a tree and in front of the bell/clock tower on campus.

Alee's dad helped to build us a tall table for our apartment. He let us help for awhile, until we cut a board or two incorrectly and then he took over and finished the table.
The brown cow's name is case you were wondering

Alee adjusting her shot with the help of her spotter

Yeah, we did a lot of shooting in Missouri. If you look closely at Sterling's picture you can see the arrow in the air before it missed...I mean hit the target

Trying to crack a bull whip

Christmas Time


So for those of you who actually read this blog and were unaware of our location this past Christmas, we were in Utah. I realize that we are posting our Christmas pictures in March, but better late than never I guess.

Somehow we had the patience to wait to open presents until after we had taken some pictures. I think that we had our priorities all mixed up.

Santa brought Alee a longboard....what a nice Santa

Reece and Caitlin came up from Texas!

Rachel looks so excited to have her picture taken without any makeup

Here is the whole gang, although half of Reece's head is missing in the photograph. You can blame Sterling for that though, I believe he is the one taking the photo.

Mom did such a great job decorating the table for our Christmas brunch that we had to take a picture.