Saturday, July 17, 2010


We went camping up Big Cottonwood Canyon. It was great because it was only 20 minutes from Sterling's house, but we felt like we were out in the middle of nowhere.

While camping, we went on a hike up to doughnut falls, I have no idea why it is called doughnut falls. Sterling thought it was because after the hike to, you would really want a doughnut...nice.

Sterling's mom had a great idea for smores, using two keebler cookies instead of graham crackers and chocolate.

Rachel making some crystal light in her water bottle.

After a load of smores, roasted starburts, a moose sighting, and a round of the bean game, we were pretty worn out. What a great camping trip!

1 comment:

  1. I love how we didnt have to drive far at all to get there! Man...someone picked out a sweet camping spot...
