Thursday, June 3, 2010


Our ward has a big garden plot, and so we decided to sign up for a section and to grow some vegetables and fruit. The plot started out with tons of rocks and weeds, so it took a while to get it to this point.

We planted some corn.

And here we have a tomato, bell peppers, and a jalapeno plant (the last one was specifically requested for by Sterling).

And these are our green beans and wax beans. We are hoping to make some fresh succotash at the end of the summer! We also planted onions, spinach, carrots, radishes, summer squash, and cantaloupe. Hopefully they create some good stuff, I have my mom's high quality garden produce to compare it to. Luckily, she has been giving us lots of good tips though, thanks mom!

1 comment:

  1. wow your plants look so....small! Let us know when they are big and we will help eat them. hahah
    p.s. we will trade you 2 cocoa beans for your wax beans. :)
