Monday, August 8, 2011

Our Apartment

I know that this is a little late, but we decided to give a tour of our apartment. Here is a view from the outside.

We decided to put together a video of the inside of our apartment, it seemed easier and possibly more entertaining than taking a bunch of pictures. The video is nowhere near the "quality" of HGTV shows, but we hope that you enjoy it.

This is what our apartment looks like from the outside.

Here is a couple videos of the downstairs:


At the end of July we ventured off to the land of Utah. While there we had many adventures, and we have decided to share some of them with the numerous readers of this mighty blog.
The video below is of a ski jumping competition that we saw when we visited Park City.

Later that same day, after stops to both J-Dawgs and the BYU creamery, we went to my cousin Alexandra's wedding. The reception had some pretty good views of BYU and the surrounding area so we decided to take some pics.

On one of the days, we decided to go on a morning hike. We did not have a specific trail in mind, but we just decided that we would just find a trail and hike up it for awhile. Below are pictures from the trail that we found. It was pretty fun.

No vacation to Utah is complete without an excursion to the desert to shoot some Shasta.

It was a very fun trip, and we were sad that it had to end so quickly.

Mammoth Cave

Awhile back, we decided we should finally explore the nearby Mammoth Cave National Park. We learned it has over 300 miles of cave, a useful fact in case you happen to be on jeopardy in the near future. We only walked through two miles of the cave on our tour.

It was very difficult to take pictures within the cave, so here are a few of our attempts to take some pictures. It also did not help that our camera battery died during the tour, so these pictures are only from the first part of the tour.

It looked much cooler in person, trust us.